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Human Ethics (IRB) is now live!

Full Description

Access to IRB (formerly referred to as PHSC) protocols in the legacy system,, is limited to view access. Any new Human Subjects protocols must be initiated in SPARCS. 

 The data structures in the legacy system and SPARCS are very different. Because of this, existing IRB protocol data was not migrated to SPARCS. Protocol approvals granted in the legacy system remain in place and no immediate action is necessary for these protocols. Emails from the legacy system should prompt you when a protocol is due for renewal or is set to expire.  At the point an existing protocol requires a renewal or modification, the protocol will need to entered in SPARCS.  

 As it may be more convenient to have all of your active protocols within a single system, researchers are welcome to recreate existing protocols in SPARCS in advance of a renewal. 

Please notify if your work on an IRB protocol in the legacy system completes or if you choose to recreate your approved protocol in SPARCS.  Please supply protocol identifiers (study title/number) in any communication. 

Training Sessions - Sign Up Now

SPARCS Human Ethics (IRB) Researcher Training Sessions are scheduled to assist in the transition to the new system. Please see this announcement for the training schedule: