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Therapist and Psychiatrist Referrals

The William & Mary Counseling Center is happy to help find referrals for therapists and psychiatrists in the Williamsburg area. If you need assistance with this, please call Christine Ferguson, M.Ed., LPC at (757) 221-3620.

Off-Campus Provider Database

You may search our Online Community Database for a mental health provider suitable for your needs.**

For referrals to psychiatrists or psychological testing, please contact the Mental Health Services Coordinator.

Transportation Options to Off-Campus Psychiatry and Counseling Appointments


**William and Mary Counseling Center cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. We are also unable to endorse any particular provider that is listed. It will be important to verify information with the provider, including fees. Contact your insurance company to ensure that the clinician you select is a participating provider.