Frequently Asked Questions
Organized here, are sets of questions (and answers!) frequently asked by students and families. We hope they are useful resources.
Are there any special admission requirements for students with disabilities?
No. Students with disabilities are treated exactly like all other applicants during the admission process. Disability is never the basis for admission or denial. Furthermore, there are no disability-related questions on admissions applications. That said, a student may benefit from disclosing a disability early in the application process. By incorporating information concerning disability into a personal statement or letter of recommendation, for example, an applicant can explain challenges they've faced or overcome and any transcript discrepancies. Results of non-standard test administrations and documentation of disability can be submitted in support of any application, but are not essential for full consideration.
Please refer to the following offices for admissions information
- Undergraduate Admissions
- Law Admissions
- VIMS Admission
- MBA Admissions
- Graduate Arts & Sciences Admissions
- Education Admissions
When should I register with SAS for accommodations?
Current students may submit documentation and register with SAS at any point during their time at William & Mary. Check the Current Students page for deadlines. New students can start contacting their providers for documentation as soon as they learn of their acceptance. They may start submitting documentation as soon as after they officially commit to William & Mary.
Where is the SAS Office located?
Student Accessibility Services is located in Room 181 of the Sadler Center. We are located on the first floor, right inside of the furthest door from the main entrance.
How does the SAS staff assess accommodations?
This is done through an interactive process between a staff member and the student. SAS staff will meet with student in order to gather information about their disability and how it impacts them in an academic setting and/or living environment. The staff reviews the required documentation submitted by the student and makes a determination about what accommodations are reasonable. This process is done on an individual, case-by-case basis.
What documentation will be needed to verify my disability?
The preferred way to submit this information is through a completed General Provider Form and related addendum.
- General Provider Form (pdf)
And one of the following:
- Academic Addendum (pdf)
- Housing Addendum (pdf)
- Emotional Support Animal Addendum (pdf)
- Parking & Transportation Addendum (pdf)
For other requirements to submit documentation, please visit documentation guidelines.
How will my accommodation requests be assessed?
The SAS team is responsible for deciding whether a disability has been adequately documented. All approved accommodations will be documented in our database, and the student will be provided access to relevant portions of their database record, including any approval letters.
How will SAS contact relevant faculty and departmental staff about my accommodations?
The SAS team will prepare letters to faculty summarizing the student's official accommodations in each course at the start of each semester or summer of enrollment. Faculty and university officials will be expected to provide reasonable accommodations in accordance with official written accommodation letters issued by SAS.
In addition to academic accommodation, the SAS team coordinates the efforts of university departments such as Facilities Management, Parking Services, Residence Life, the Registrar, and Student Leadership Development to address special access and service issues related to a student's educational experience.
Will my disability documentation be treated as confidential?
We consider all information submitted to or developed by the university related to the diagnosis, documentation, or accommodation of a disability confidential. SAS staff and select members of the Dean of Students Office have access to disability records and can provide them to authorized university officials in the event of an emergency. SAS can provide limited information to faculty members or other members of the community who have an educational need to know, but only with the express written consent of the student.
All documents supporting a disability on file in SAS are retained for ten years following graduation and then destroyed in keeping with State of Virginia archiving policies. Diagnostic information obtained during a student's tenure at William & Mary that is inconclusive of disability will be retained for one year from the last date of service or contact, and then destroyed.
What do I do if a professor is not granting me my approved accommodations?
Please contact SAS to discuss the appropriate measures to take. We are here to support you and will have a conversation about what has happened and will help you to take the next steps. Our answer and suggestions for next steps are going to be on a case-by-case basis and are individual to the situation and the student. The student and the SAS staff will decide on the best course of action and how to intervene most appropriately.
How accessible is the campus?
Recent renovations have added electric door openers, lowered elevator panels, additional curb cuts, accessible parking spaces, visual alarm systems, and braille signage. William & Mary is actively working to make the campus more accessible. To navigate areas on campus, visit the ADA access page on our website. If you need to report a barrier on campus, click the button on our home page. Please contact SAS with any concerns you may have about accessibility on campus.
What if I have concerns about housing?
Newly-admitted and currently enrolled students seeking housing accommodation on the basis of disability should forward all pertinent documentation to SAS. Documentation will be reviewed and, if approved, SAS will inform Residence Life of the appropriate housing accommodation.
For housing information please refer to Residence Life.
What if I need Learning Assistance?
William & Mary students can receive individual coaching on strategic learning or time management techniques through the Dean of Students Office. Other offerings include small group academic workshops, tutoring, and general study skill sessions.
For further information, visit Academic Wellbeing. Call 757-221-1327 to schedule an appointment.
What if I need Tutoring for a course?
Free student tutors are available through the TutorZone.
Can I study away/study abroad with accommodations?
Many students choose to spend a semester, winter break, the summer session, or a full year in another country through study abroad exchanges or in Washington D.C. Students with disabilities are welcomed and encouraged to participate in these programs. Because there may be many factors to consider, begin study away research early and plan to work closely with Student Accessibility Services.
What state and government agencies are available as informational resources?
The following state agencies have proven useful to William & Mary students and their families:
- Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
- Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Virginia Department of Rehabilitation Services