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Faculty Publications

Non-comprehensive list of publications by W&M faculty members on LGBTIQ research:

Dickter, Cheryl et al. "Induced Disgust Affects: Implicit and Explicit Responses towards Gay Men and Lesbians. European Journal of Social Psychology. 43, 362-369 (2013)

Linneman, Thomas - Weathering Change: Gays and Lesbians, Christian Conservatives, and Everyday Hostilities (New York University Press, 2003)

Meyer, Leisa. Creating G.I. Jane: Sexuality and Power in the Women's Army Corps During World War II (Columbia University Press, 1996)

Ozyegin, Gul. New Desires, New Selves: Sex, Love, and Piety among Turkish Youth (New York University Press, 2015)

---- (ed.). Gender and Sexuality in Muslim Cultures (Ashgate Press, 2015)

Raitt, Suzanne (ed.). Volcanoes and Pearl Divers: Essays in Lesbian Feminist Studies (Onlywomen, 1995)

----. Vita and Virginia: The Work and Friendship of V. Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf (Clarendon Press, 1993)

Slevin, Kathleen. Age Matters: Re-Aligning Feminist Thinking (Routledge, 2006)

Thompson, Kara. "Queer Imaginings." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 18:4 (2012)

----. Memories of the Future: Settler Colonial Chrono Maneuvers  (manuscript under consideration)

William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law. "2015 Special Issue: Advancing LGBTQIA Rights in a Post-Obergefell World." Volume 22 (2015-2016), Issue 1 (2015)