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Alice Saunders Person

Alice Person lived her entire life in Williamsburg, Virginia. She was born there on January 16, 1901 and died there on June 20, 1991. Her death certificate lists her last occupation as a "bookkeeper" at a "gas station." In fact, her neighbors remember her as having been the "accountant" for the very successful Ford Dealership owned by her family. Both may be accurate as Person's Williamsburg Ford Dealership and Esso Station was for many years located at the corner where Berret's Seafood Restaurant and Taphouse Grill is located today.

Person enrolled at William & Mary on September 20, 1918. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in 1922. She took occasional courses following her graduation: Shorthand, Typewriting, and some Education courses.

She is buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery. The house in which she lived during her adult years is still known as the "Alice Person House." It is located at 616 Richmond Road and is now a Bed & Breakfast.