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Garrett Bellin ’25

Major: {{,Computational & Applied Mathematics & Statistics}}
Minor: {{,Data Science}}

Garrett Bellin’s interest in a Geographic Information Systems course would lead him two years later to become the co-principal investigator on a National Science Foundation grant, presenting to fishing industry partners regularly. His path wasn’t expected, as he had little exposure to marine science prior. “Now I’m very passionate about this vein of marine biology, and I really want to create some significant changes in the way people are managing these fisheries,” he says.

As a rising sophomore, Garrett was brought onto a project to assist with fisheries management challenges with Professor Roger Mann from William & Mary’s Batten School of Coastal & Marine Sciences & VIMS and Shannon White, associate director of the W&M Center for Geospatial Analysis. Ocean warming trends were causing cod fish to move north, making an area off Nantucket, Massachusetts, less viable as a sanctuary, and biologists had trouble conveying this to management entities. Traditional methods included indigestible maps and tables, but Garrett brought in the use of GIS in management arenas in a way never done before, allowing their project to expand and include all of the East Coast.

Garrett now presents to business partners twice a year within the SCEMFIS framework and works on proposals to attract industry funding. For GIS, industry partners know his work influences industry decisions. Garrett’s work as a co-principal investigator and rigorous courseload covered multiple pillars of William & Mary’s Vision 2026 strategic plan, creating a domino effect for faculty to connect with more CGA students and learn about their capabilities.

Learn more about Garrett