Get Copies of Police Reports
In the event of a theft or an accident you may wish to get a copy of the police report for insurance purposes. To do this you will need to know the date you reported the incident and you will have to come to the William & Mary Police Department and provide a photo ID. All requests for copies of Police Reports should be submitted to [[axpfen,Communications Supervisor Amy Pfenning]]. At this time there is no charge for this service.
Get Fingerprinted for Employment
Should any member of the William & Mary community need to be fingerprinted for employment, Bar Association, volunteer work, etc., they may come to the William & Mary Police Department for this service. You will need to bring your required fingerprint cards, a photo ID and proof of Social Security number.
Event Scheduling Requests
Should you require that a particular room be opened on a regular basis, you should send your request, in writing, to [[jjbaezab, Lt James Baez-An]] at least one week in advance of the first date you need the room unlocked. Your request may be sent to him at the W&M Police Department through campus mail or by FAX at 221-1153. Should you require officers at any special event, such as any event that is open to the public, where alcohol is served, concerts, etc., you would also need to contact [[jjbaezan, Lt James Baez-An]]. Again, this needs to be done at least one week prior to the event. He may also be contacted at 221-1149.
Programs Offered to Students, Faculty and Staff
- Community Ride Along
- Bicycle Safety Education
- Personal Safety Program
- Identity Theft Prevention
- Sexual Assault Awareness Program
- Community Preparedness For an Active Threat
- Robbery and Theft Protection for Students, Faculty, and Staff
- Project I.D. for Students, Faculty, and Staff
- Alcohol Awareness Program
- Drug Awareness Program
We ask that you make your request for a program at least one week in advance. Contact [[jjbaezan,Lt James Baez-An]] to make these arrangements, or call 221-1149.