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The following in-class workshops are available for faculty and student groups upon request. For more information, contact Lori Jacobson at [[ljacobson]]. To schedule workshops, submit a request.

Constructing the Thesis and Argument
Have you ever wondered why the five-paragraph essay was taught in high school if that's not what you're supposed to do in college? In this Writing and Communication Center workshop, you will build on your early training in essay writing by learning strategies for developing an organically-structured paper that contains an ambitious and debatable thesis, a compelling argument, and valid evidence for all key points. Expect an interactive session designed to energize your writing. 
Structuring an Essay for Clear Ideas
Do you ever struggle with the best way to organize an essay? Or worry that the final paper just won't make sense? In this Writing and Communication Center workshop, you will learn how to structure an essay in a way that attends to the reader's logic. After taking a close look at typical essay structures, you'll learn how to create an "essay map," and you'll explore strategies for guiding your reader through your work. Expect an interactive session designed to help you write with your reader in mind. 
Writing Stronger Paragraphs
Have you been longing for a refresher course on writing fundamentals? Look no further! In this Writing and Communication Center workshop, you will take close look at that most essential unit of academic thought: the paragraph. Together, we will consider how the paragraph functions as a form of punctuation, compare well-developed and poorly-developed examples, and discover several types of paragraphs that can add clarity and focus to your work. Join us for an interactive session designed to improve your focus and better engage your audience. 
Revising Essays: Editing and Proofreading
You've drafted your essay, and it's time to hand it in, right? Not so fast! Revising is an essential part of the writing process. In this Writing and Communication Center webinar, you'll learn strategies to focus your revision on elements that will make the biggest difference in the quality of your paper. You'll also learn how to identify and correct common sentence-level errors. Join us for an interactive session that will provide tools to help you see your own work with fresh eyes. 
Creating Clear and Memorable Presentations
It can be a challenge to produce effective presentations, especially when you're nervous about public speaking. Join the Writing and Communication Center for an interactive workshop to help you learn how to create a presentation that audiences will enjoy and remember. You'll discover the key features of a good presentation -- and you'll learn what pitfalls to avoid. We'll also consider strategies to manage performance anxiety. 
Writing Personal Statements and Scholarship Essays
A personal statement is narrative writing--storytelling--in which you are the main character. You want your readers to be engaged by this character, fascinated by their story, inspired by their commitment, excited by their potential. You want this character to be someone your readers would very much like to know. But telling that kind of story to an audience of strangers is challenging! The Writing and Communication Center can help. In this workshop, you'll learn how to decode the prompt, tell your story, and make the most of your words.