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GRE Test Strategies

Special Note on the Subject Tests
The subject tests are not scored in the same way as the General Test. The Subject test (but not the General Test) has a correction for guessing so that your score is (Number Correct - (¬ Number Incorrect). So, for the Subject Test (and the Subject Test only!) you should:
  • if you have no idea of the answer, do not guess randomly. Just skip the item.
  • if you can eliminate two or more choices, it is well worth picking one of the remaining choices rather than leaving the item unanswered. You will be correct on a half or third of these items -- enough to improve your score even with the correction for guessing. In fact the correction now works in your favor to give more than one point for each correct answer.
Taking the General Test

The following are pointers for taking the General GRE test:

  • Answer every item -- leave no blanksthe score is based on the total number of correct answers with no adjustment for guessing.
    an unanswered item therefore is equivalent to a wrong answer.
  • Know the directions for each type of question before the exam: be able to recognize the directions so you don't have to read them.
    • have a strategy in mind for each section of the exam.
  • Do not waste time doing the sample questions given with the directions.
  • Keep an eye on the clock and pace yourself.
  • You cannot afford to take much time for any single item. If you do not get the answer quickly, cross out any choices that are clearly wrong. Then mark the test booklet to show that the question is unanswered. Use a (+) for the items you could work out with more time, a (-) for those that seem impossible and should only be worked after all the (+) items have been tried. Immediately go on to the next item.
  • Note that within certain math sections, the questions are ordered from easy to difficult. Try "obvious" answers for the early items, but be extra cautious with the later (difficult) items.
Some tips
  • Do not hesitate to write in your test booklet!
  • Mark the Starting time, Half-Way time, and End time.
  • Cross out wrong choices and mark the 'maybe' choices in the test booklet.
  • Leave any 'don't know' items for later - resist the temptation to take extra time to go over them now.
  • For the analogy, antonym, and sentence completion items, first decide on a good answer. Then check the choices to see which one matches. With reading and analytic reasoning passages, underline key words, terms and phrases.
  • Use the last few minutes for choosing among the uncrossed-out choices of the remaining items to gain as much credit as possible for partial knowledge.