Japanese Studies
A Critical Need; A Rare Skill
Relevance: As the world's third largest economy and one of the United States' most important allies and trading partners, Japan is critical to an understanding of global issues. Japan also exerts enormous "soft power" though the borderless appeal of its anime, manga, film, and literature.
Focus: The BA (major) in Japanese Studies gives you the linguistic and cultural fluency to provide expertise on Japanese culture and society. A double major or minor brings geographical focus to studies in International Relations, Global Studies, Finance, Anthropology, Film & Media Studies, and more.
Marketable Skills: Japanese language skills give you a rare advantage in the job market. Japanese is one of the ten most widely-spoken languages in the world, one of the most widely used languages on the Internet, and a language in which the US State Department has identified a critical need.
Opportunities: We offer four levels of language study and a wide variety of courses in English on Japanese culture. Study abroad, live with other students of Japanese in the Japanese House, or conduct independent research as part of your degree.
The Proof: Check out how Japanese Studies alumni have put their training to use in corporate careers, public service, education, and research.