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Manager Help

This section provides Cascade Managers the information needed to provide support to their content editors.

Your role as Site Manager: The job description of a Cascade Manager and how we share Cascade management responsibilities. 

Users, Groups & Permissions: Creating users and groups, and managing permissions. 

Creating a new website: Use these high-level instructions along with your training to build a new website (subsite) within your Cascade Site.

Banner Department Info: You may choose to include text, such as a department name, that serves as a "home" link on the banner image for a folder and its children.

Banner Images: Updating banner images on your Site.

Subsite SearchAdd Subsite Search functionality to folders within your Site.

Rows & Special AssetsA collection of high-impact, visual assets that require an extra level of support — Grid Page, Portfolio listing, Slideshow Page, rows and Landing Page.

Using Hidden Regions: Get more out of your pages with customized blocks.

Scheduled Publish Jobs: Although Cascaders are encouraged to publish edits themselves, large sites are published automatically at regular intervals during non-business hours.