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How to Renew Accommodations

STEP 1: Log in to your Accommodate Account.

STEP 2: You will see options listed on the left side of your Accommodate homepage. These options will include “Accommodation”, “Documents”, “Resources”, “Calendar”, "Profile", and if you receive certain accommodations like Testing Accommodations, a tab entitled "Room Booking" will also appear on the left side of your homepage. 


STEP 3: Navigate to the “Accommodation” option. A drop-down menu will appear, including the options "Accessibility Request”, “Accessibility Letters”,  and “Equipment”.



STEP 4: Navigate to the “Accommodation Renewal Request” option. On this page, ensure that you are on the "Accommodation Renewal Request" tab, and then select "Add New" (green button located about halfway down the page).



STEP 5Your accommodations will be listed in a blue-tinted box. You can then either (1) Submit for all Accommodations, or (2) Review the Renewal. “Review the Renewal” allows you to pick and choose the classes for which you want to use your accommodations (i.e., if you don’t need each accommodation for all classes, you can designate the specific classes and the accommodations you expect to use).


Either choice (“Submit for All Accommodations” or “Review the Renewal”) will ultimately result in renewing your accommodations once you complete this action.



STEP 6: Once you submit your accommodation request, your accommodations will be listed along with the dates for the corresponding semester renewal.


STEP 7SAS staff will still need to send out your accommodation letter to you and notify your professors to log into their Faculty Portal and see your accommodations listed in an electronically secure location.

STEP 8Please be sure to communicate with each of your professors to talk about how your accommodations will operate (if needed) in each course. 

 Please let SAS staff know if you have any difficulty with any of these steps, or if you or any of your professors don’t see your accommodation notice. We can help!


Once you have submitted your request, it may take 2-3 business days for your accommodations to be processed. At the beginning of each semester, letters of accommodation are usually sent the second week of Add/Drop. Please contact or 757-221-2512 if you have questions.