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When to Contact Student Accessibility Services

Contact SAS when:

You have questions about how to implement accommodations:

SAS can help you figure out logistics related to accommodations such as extended time on tests and specialized test taking equipment. At times, you may have an idea for meeting a student's needs that will work better in your classroom than a typical accommodation. We encourage professors and instructors to work with SAS in developing alternative ideas for meeting student's accommodation needs.

If you are concerned that a student's accommodation might interfere with the nature of the course:

If you are concerned that an accommodation interferes with the core requirements of your class or if you believe an accommodation may place too much of a burden on yourself or your students, please contact SAS. There may be alternative ways to implement an accommodation or it may be that the accommodation is not applicable. If you are considering denying an accommodation that has been requested by a student, always consult with the SAS first (even if you think the student will accept your decision).

You would like to refer a student for evaluation:

If you are concerned about a student's performance or behavior in your class, you may fill out a "Care Report" or contact SAS directly. 

Care reports are available on the Report Concerns or Violations website. If a student is struggling in your class and you do not feel comfortable confronting the student directly, you can indicate your concerns through a care report. You should fill out a care report if:

  • there are signs that a student is struggling (academically or personally);
  • a student has been frequently absent from class;
  • you believe a student at risk of suicide;
  • if a student has become emotionally isolated;
  • if you observe a drastic change in behavior or erratic behavior; and 
  • if you simply have a general concern for the student's well-being

These reports are also available if you believe there has been an Honor Code or Code of Conduct violation. 

If you are concerned about a student's academic performance and would like more information (for yourself or the student) regarding Student Accessibility Services, please contact SAS directly at [[sas]] or (757) 221-2512.