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Board of Visitors Resolution

A Journey of Reconciliation: Apology for William & Mary's Part in Slavery and Segregation

Whereas, in April 2009, the Board of Visitors adopted Resolution 21, acknowledging William &
Mary’s role in slavery and Jim Crow and establishing “The Lemon Project: A Journey of
Reconciliation”; and

Whereas, over the past nine years, William & Mary’s Lemon Project has greatly deepened our
understanding of William & Mary’s history during the eras of slavery and segregation through
research, courses and symposia; and

Whereas, The Lemon Project has expanded our engagement and reconciliation with the
Williamsburg community through porch talks, public talks, articles and social media; and

Whereas, The Lemon Project has included the work of many students, faculty, staff, community
members, and alumni; and

Whereas, The Lemon Project has established itself as a leader among universities examining
their past treatment of African Americans; and

Whereas, through The Lemon Project, we will launch a process to design, fund and construct a
memorial on campus to those enslaved by William & Mary; and

Whereas, over the past academic year, William & Mary has commemorated and celebrated the
50th anniversary of the first three African American students in residence on campus with
performances, lectures, symposia, panels and other commemorative events; and

Whereas, the Race and Race Relations Task Force, established by President Reveley in 2015 and
chaired by Dr. W. Fanchon Glover, identified ways to improve the campus racial climate; and

Whereas, President Reveley created an Implementation Team to comprehensively review the
steps urged by the Race and Race Relations Task Force, and the Implementation Team presented
its final report in April 2018, describing progress made to date; and

Whereas, the Board of Visitors applauds this progress and thanks both the Race and Race
Relations Task Force and the Implementation Team; and

Whereas, the Board of Visitors recognizes a continuing need to examine and learn from William
& Mary’s role in slavery, secession and segregation, both through the ongoing work of The
Lemon Project and other research, dialogue and reflection;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors salutes the foundational
scholarship of the late Robert F. Engs and the work of The Lemon Project and its director, Jody
Lynn Allen;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Visitors acknowledges that William & Mary
enslaved people, exploited them and their labor, and perpetuated the legacies of racial
discrimination. The Board profoundly regrets these activities, apologizes for them, expresses its
deep appreciation for the contributions made by the African American members of its
community to the vitality of William & Mary then, now, and for all time coming, and commits to
continue our efforts to remedy the lingering effects of past injustices; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board and
a copy of the same be delivered to Professor Jody Allen with gratitude and best wishes for her
continued leadership of The Lemon Project.

Adopted in April 2018