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Engage with the Real World

As former student researcher Henry Crossman said, GRI “brings William & Mary to the world and the world back to William & Mary.” Our researchers view problems through a global lens and create new knowledge, but their process does not end there. Communicating with policymakers and practitioners is a critical part of GRI’s mission, as we want our researchers to make real-world impacts. We train students to do the same. Here are some ways we foster conversations with practitioners, faculty, and students.

Community Events

In addition to producing world-class research and engaging with key stakeholders, GRI builds lasting community. Although this takes place during many of our educational or instructional programs, GRI explicitly designates some events as time for students to unwind, relax, and get to know one another. Whether it’s at one of our legendary barbecues, during enrichment activities for Summer Fellows, or at our annual showcase event celebrating research highlights, everyone finds a place.

GRI Events

GRI researchers produce policy-relevant findings that can be directly applied in modern contexts. Events such as "Managing COVID-19 in West Africa," which featured public health experts from Ghana and Nigeria, allow students to discuss front-burner issues with those directly involved in decision-making. Our Presidential Administrations and the First 100 Days event convened policy leaders in national security, diplomacy, and international development, including Michael Powell '85, D.P.S. '02, Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy '00, Ambassador Mitchell Reiss P '16, and Liz Schrayer. 

The Institute also invites practitioners to discuss their work and pull back the curtain on career paths of all kinds. This is networking done right. Sign up for our weekly Global Research Digest to receive updates about all GRI's events.

Support for Student Group Events

Does your student group have a great idea for an event? GRI provides event support up to $500 (pending fund availability) for student events that have GRI lab and/or affiliate co-sponsors. Need help identifying the best fit lab or affiliate to ask for co-sponsorship? Email Senior Program Manager for Student Initiatives [[klhouck,Kelly Houck]].

Resume Workshops

William & Mary alumni across disciplines are eager to work with and mentor current students. GRI facilitates resume workshops in which students can receive advice and feedback while learning from alumni’s varied career paths. Sign-up forms for these events will always be sent to Global Research Digest subscribers.

Sign up for our weekly Global Research Digest to stay on top of additional opportunities.