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Support our Legal Scholars

There are several ways you can help to support the W&M Legal Scholars Program and our students.

Mentor a Legal Scholar:
Each of our Legal Scholars are paired with a mentor. Mentors have typically been practicing attorneys, current law students, recent law school graduates working in judicial clerkships, or attorneys working in non-traditional fields. [[legalscholars, Please contact us]] if you are interested in serving as a mentor for a current or future Legal Scholar.

Provide a Shadowing or Internship Experience:
With so many career options for attorneys and our students' varied interests, opportunities for our students to shadow or intern with attorneys are invaluable. If you are interested in working with a Legal Scholar, even for a week or two over break, [[legalscholars, please let us know!]]

Participate on a Panel (in person of Zoom):
Over the course of the year, we hold several panel discussions for students on a range of topics. If you would be interested in participating in a panel, or an individual Zoom session with our students, [[legalscholars, please contact us]].

Make a Financial Contribution:
The Legal Scholars Program is a cost-intensive effort to diversify the law school classes and the legal profession. We use contributions to fund students' LSAT test preparation classes, Law School Admission Council fees (including the cost of taking the LSAT and the LSAC Credentials Assembly Service), student lodging during the application bootcamp, and many other expenses. Gifts of any amount help our students!