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Athletics Academic Advisory Committee

This Committee meets regularly with the Athletic Director, Associate Athletic Director, Faculty Representative to the NCAA and the NCAA Compliance Officer to discuss and monitor the relationship between academics and athletics at the College.

  • Committee is appointed
  • Advisory:  President
  • Term:  3 years (faculty), 1 year (students)
  • Chair:  Elected by Committee
Membership (2024-25)

Jennifer Bestman
Adrian Bravo*
Julia Gaffield*
Chris Howard*
Ross Iaci*
Alexander Joosse*
John Lee*
Brian Mann
Osman Nal
Christy Porter*
Natalia Rongione*
Caleb Stone
Reginald Wilkerson
John Donahue, Ex Officio
Karai Lockley, Ex Officio*
Brian Mann, Ex Officio

*indicates new member