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6. Settlement across the James-Chickahominy River Divide

by D. B. Blanton, K. R. Burkhart, C. M. Downing, E. J. Harris, C. Jackson, S. Kozarek, C. McDaid, R. G. Meyers, D. L. Miller, J. W. Picklesimer and S. C. Pullins

Phase II Archaeological Evaluation of 23 Sites Along the Proposed Eastern Henrico Lateral Pipeline
Hanover, Chesterfield and Henrico Counties, Virginia
1992 xviii+ 390 pp. (2 volumes) 223 figs., 59 tables, 4 appdx.

The results of archaeological evaluation at 23 sites along a transect spanning the James-Chickahominy River divide are described in detail. Virtually the full range of temporal periods and site types are represented. Particularly noteworthy are a Paleoindian site overlooking the Chickahominy floodplain, an outlier of the Native-American village of Arrohateck in the James River floodplain (depicted on Capt. John Smith's map), Archaic and Woodland occupations on interior drainages, and sites of Civil War defenses around Richmond.

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