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19. The Civil War at Gloucester Point

by T. F. Higgins III, C. M. Downing, K. E. Stuck, G. J. Brown and K. J. Reinhard

Mitigation of Site 44GL358
Associated with the Proposed Route 17 Coleman Bridge Project, Gloucester County, Virginia
1995 vi + 94 pp. 66 figs., 2 tables, 2 appdx (artifact inventory on microfiche).

Dwelling remains of Sibley tents and stove/furnace features were determined to be a domestic component of a Union army camp. The report provides important information about daily camp life through analyses of military material culture, structural data, faunal and parasitological remains, and historical information. Research also focuses on the social and spatial organization of the camp within the context of the Gloucester Point defenses.

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