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14. Geoarchaeology Along the Upper Chickahominy

by D. B. Blanton, J. B. Jones and J. Schuldenrein III

Limited Phase III Data Recovery for Mitigation of Adverse Effects to Site 44HN202
Associated with the VNG Mechanicsville to Kingsmill Lateral Pipeline, Hanover County, Virginia
1994 vi + 74 pp. 23 figs., 7 tables, 1 appdx (artifact inventory on microfiche)

Components consist of Early/Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, terminal Late Archaic/Transitional, and Middle Woodland occupations. Geoarchaeological analysis at Site 44HN202 indicates that intrasite patterns reflect adaptation to changes in the fluvial landscape over time. The report concludes with a model of adaptive responses in the Chickahominy basin.

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