Technical Report Series
- Limited Testing at a Slave Quarter and Small Prehistoric Sites
- A 17th-Century Farmstead in the Interior Coastal Plain
- A Preservation Plan for the Matthew Jones House
- An 18th- and 19th-Century Plantation in the Interior Coastal Plain
- A Study of Small Prehistoric Site Structure and Function
- Settlement across the James-Chickahominy River Divide (OUT OF PRINT)
- An 18th-Century Tenant Site in the Lower Tidewater
- A Small Colonial Industrial Site in the Lower Tidewater
- Buena Vista, History Runs Through it
- Late Archaic (Halifax) Lithic Procurement and Use
- Archaeology in the Shadow of the Hayes Creek Mound
- The Evolution of an Early Tidewater Town
- A Study of Interior Coastal Plain Settlement
- Geoarchaeology Along the Upper Chickahominy
- Archaeological Data Recovery - Site 44HN203
- Archaeological Data Recovery - Site 44HN204
- Excavations at an 18th- to Early 19th-Century Slave Quarter
- Capital Punishment in Colonial Virginia
- The Civil War at Gloucester Point
- Farm to Foundry, African-American Tenancy in 20th- Century Radford, Virginia
- Ceramic Technology, Early Woodland Settlement, and Enfield Plantation
- Watsons, Willses, and Dedakers—The Evolution of a Nineteenth-Century Farm in Piedmont Virginia
- Reclaiming a Tidewater Town
- Four Thousand Years on the Appomattox
- A Post-Revolutionary Farmstead in Northern Virginia
- An Archaeological Evaluation of Site 44FK533
- Life and Landscape on a Northern Virginia Farmstead at the Turn of the 19th Century
- Traces of Historic Kecoughtan
- Archaeology at Fort Pocahontas
- Virginia's Powell Valley during the Late Archaic/Early Woodland and Middle/Late Woodland Transition
- Ephemeral Late Archaic Occupation in the Culpeper Basin
- Southall's Quarter
- Middle Woodland Settlement and Environment in the Chisel Run/Powhatan Creek Drainage
- Rural Life in the Back Creek Valley
- Near the Water’s Edge: The Archaeology of Colonial Newtown On the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River
- Claiming Rocky Ground: Documentation of Stone Walls in the Proposed Gooney Manor Loop Road Rural Historic District
- An Early Nineteenth-Century Shipwreck in Hampton Roads
- "Comfortable things that were left behind": Archaeology of Civil War Camp Life at Gloucester Point, Virginia, 1861-1865