Note Taker Program
Students who have a disability for which peer notes would be an appropriate accommodation may benefit from our Note Taker Program. In order to qualify for this accommodation, students should register online with us as soon as possible. Once we have approved the accommodation, we can assist in recruiting a note taker for the student’s courses.
Student Responsibilities
Communicate with your professors once we have sent faculty emails regarding your accommodations
First ask a fellow classmate for notes. If this is not possible, you can take the following actions may be taken
Ask your instructor for help locating a note taker
Contact us to help recruit a note taker
If recruitment through us is necessary, please contact us as soon as possible at and put “I need a note taker” in the subject line
Attend class regularly in order to receive notes; peer notes are merely a supplement and do not excuse students from class
Faculty Options
If a student contacts an instructor about needing a note taker, the instructor should take one or more of the following actions
Send out an email to your class asking for a note taker (without revealing the student's name)
Speak to the class directly about a note taker (without revealing the student's name)
Recommend an individual who is known to take good notes
You also can provide your own notes or access to power points if you choose
Note: anonymity of the student in need must be preserved and their identity should never be shared unless permission is given by the student
Note Taker Responsibilities
Upload their notes (see instructions here) after each class using the notes drop off portal – be diligent as someone is relying on those notes!
Notes do not need to be any more detailed than normal but should be legible if handwritten
If you miss class, inform us as soon as possible by email
How to upload notes
Upload your notes using the Accommodate drop off portal
Q: Do you provide compensation for providing my notes?
A: This is a volunteer position. However, there are other benefits to providing notes to a fellow student:
It feels good to help a student in need.
It is a great addition to put on your resume for future employers!
It gives you more incentive to come to class.
It gives you more incentive to take good notes.
You can pay it forward – Who knows, maybe one day you’ll need help from a fellow student.
Q: When trying to upload my notes, it says I am not enrolled in the class. What should I do?
A: Ensure that you put only your username (not the entire email address) in the username box (ex: jasmith). Also, when searching for your course, use the full name rather than the course code. Ex.: If Human Anatomy (KINE 301) is your course, search with “Human Anatomy” not “KINE 301”.
Q: I handwrite my notes. How should I upload them?
A: Handwritten notes should be scanned or photographed and uploaded as pdfs. There is a free app called Tiny Scanner that allows you to scan notes using your phone.
Q: I missed class and was unable to take notes. What should I do?
A: Notify us as soon as possible by emailing
Q: I want to know who is getting my notes before I provide them. Is that possible?
A: We provide our students with confidentiality; therefore we cannot disclose who will be receiving your notes.