Section XIII: Amendments
A. Approval of Processes for Review. The Honor System Advisory Committee must approve each governing body’s procedures for approval or rejection of any proposed Code changes.
B. Amendments to Core Provisions of the Code
1. Sections I-III, V-VII, X and XIII are considered core provisions of the Code. Proposals to modify core provisions can be submitted to the Honor System Advisory Committee from any Council or any member of the university community and should be accompanied by an explanation and/or rationale. Preliminary approval of core provisions requires the assent of at least 7 of the 9 voting members. Following preliminary approval, the Director of CVRP will forward the proposals to the governing bodies of each Council which will have at least one month to consider and vote upon the recommendations. All six governing bodies must approve proposed recommendations, and, if so, the Director will submit the proposals to the President who will render the final decision. Proposals that do not garner the approval by all six governing bodies or the President will be returned the Honor System Advisory Committee for reconsideration, and the Committee will have the option to amend the proposals and resubmit them to the governing bodies. The governing bodies will be granted at least two weeks to reconsider any previously rejected proposal.
C. Amendments to Procedural Provisions of the Code
1. Sections IV, VIII and IX as well as the Appendix are considered procedural provisions. Procedural provisions can be received and approved by the HSAC with the assent of at least 7 of the 9 voting members. No further review is required.
D. Amendments to Council Bylaws
1. Each Honor Council will maintain Bylaws governing the internal operation of the Council, the qualification of members and their manner of selection and removal.
2. Councils will submit changes to its Bylaws to the Honor System Advisory Committee. The Committee will review the proposed changes and, in a timely fashion, indicate whether it approves of the changes or has reservations with them. If a majority of Committee members indicates reservations, the committee will convene to discuss the proposed changes. By a majority vote, the Committee can accept, reject, or revise and return the proposals to the Council for reconsideration.