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Music Department Chair Thomas Payne Announces the Release of His New Book

New Book CoverPayne’s volume is the first collection of medieval music devoted specifically to poems authored by Philip the Chancellor (d. 1236), a renowned poet of Latin lyrics associated with the cathedral of Notre Dame Paris during the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries. It offers the texts (with translations) and music of all the motets and prosulas (words added to preexistent music from organa and polyphonic conductus caudae) ascribed to Philip in medieval sources, as well as a substantial number of works attributed to him by modern scholars.  An extensive introductory essay and thorough commentary on the individual pieces complete the volume. Many of the musical settings in this collection are additionally credited to the composer Perotinus and are among the earliest efforts in these genres, suggesting that not only were Philip and Perotinus the sole artists known to have cultivated the motet during its formative years, but that they may have played a seminal role in bringing the genre to light.

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