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New York Times Global Edition Video Segments

by Robert Ressler '10


New York Times Global Edition Video Segments



"Seguridad en un lugar inestable."

de una policía

de una isla ingerida

y de personas amputadas por las heridas del privilegio.



"La guerra olvidada del Congo."

de las lluvias sangrientas

del temor de las sombras en la noche

y del estropicio de mujeres, niñas, y humanidad.



"El espectáculo de las protestas del Banco Oeste."

del conflicto sobre polvo

de los guijarros de la niñez

y de la contestación del humo lagrimójeno.


Entre aquellos: una advertencia

que se repitió como Pedro: tres veces,

"Florida: where no ice doesn't just refer to your drink."


Si pudiera todo el mundo

escaparse a Florida

el lugar donde se va la gente que solamente

se preocupa de dónde hay y no hay hielo.

New York Times Global Edition Video Segments



"Security in an insecure land"

of a police officer

of a swallowed island

and of people amputated by the injuries of privilege.



"The forgotten war of the Congo"

of the bloody rains

of the fear of the shadows in the night

and of the breakage of women, children, and humanity.



"The spectacle of protests in the West Bank"

of the conflict over dust

of the pebbles of childhood

and of the answer of tear gas


Between those: an advertisement

that repeated like Peter: three times,

"Florida: where no ice doesn't just refer to your drink."


If only the whole world

could escape to Florida

the place where the people go who only

worry themselves with where there is and is not ice.