Professor Daniel Runfola
2019 Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence
Citation for Daniel Runfola

As a computational geographer and data scientist, Professor Runfola manages and analyzes very large datasets, using techniques such as machine learning and other algorithms to glean insights into demographic and ecological trends. Recognizing the wide range of student interest in this area, he has created courses focusing on the concepts of machine learning, how these are implemented, and their application to real-world problems.

Remarkably, in his first year on the faculty, he designed the Data Science major program of study, which has won faculty approval and has a fully subscribed set of courses. Students have responded very favorably to his enthusiasm for the subject, to his ability to reach students where they are intellectually and take them somewhere much more sophisticated, and to his innovative teaching approaches to mathematically complex material. As one example, he created and introduced supporting instructional videos so that students can proceed at their own pace and review materials during laboratory sessions.

It is fitting that he now be recognized with the Arts & Sciences 2019 Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence.