Gwyneth Pudner
A nonoxidative method for the synthesis of 1,2-diketones using aldehyde and organometallic building blocks
Tiffany Zheng
Investigation of the Use of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) for Identifying Figurative Colorants in Artists' Portraits and the Development of the Novel SERS Data Analysis Program Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Monica Dibley
Chemical Analysis of Organic Compounds in Dew Water
Daria Moody
Differential Protein Expression in Bacteriophage CrimD
Katie Giunta
Pyridine Interaction With Surface Copper Iodide
Emma Hale
Synthesis and Biological Activity of Polyynes
Hannah Smith
Covalent immobilization of proteins using unnatural amino acids
Grayson Hoy
Origin of Kinetic Dispersion in Eosin-Sensitized TiO2: Insights from Single-Molecule Spectroscopy