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30. Virginia's Powell Valley during the Late Archaic/Early Woodland and Middle/Late Woodland Transition

by S. C. Pullins, with contributions from D. R. Hayes, J. W. McKnight and R. Yerkes

Archaeological Data Recovery at Site 44LE165
Associated with the Route 58 Project, Section E32, Lee County, Virginia
1999 vi + 72 pp. 32 figs., 31 tables, 5 appdx.

The Late Archaic component of this Ridge and Valley site included structural features containing radiocarbon data. A pit feature from the Middle/Late Woodland component also yielded radiocarbon samples, along with Radford-like ceramics and subsistence remains. Recovery of nearly 21,000 artifacts allowed detailed analysis of spatial organization within the site. Results of geomorphology, lithic microwear, and ethnobotanical studies are also incorporated with the report.

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