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22. Watsons, Willses and Dedakers - The Evolution of a Nineteenth-Century Farm in Piedmont Virginia

by S. C. Pullins and C. M. Downing

Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery for Mitigation of Adverse Effects to Site 44AH277
Associated with the Route 29 Lynchburg Bypass Project, Amherst County, Virginia
1996 viii + 174 pp. 53 figs., 44 tables, 1 appdx (artifact inventory on microfiche)

This research documents life on a nineteenth-century middling farm in Piedmont Virginia and may serve as a "case study" since few such sites have been so thoroughly investigated. Archaeological features include stratified deposits in two stone cellars; historical documentation for the site is also extensive. The report explores the most useful ways of integrating archaeological and historical data to address issues such as gender, status, and landscape evolution at nineteenth-century farm sites.

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