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21. Ceramic Technology, Early Woodland Settlement and Enfield Plantation

by S. C. Pullins, J. B. Stoltman, V. L. Deitrick, D. B. Blanton and A. L. Gray

Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery for Mitigation of Effects to Site 44KW81
Associated with the Route 629 Bridge Replacement Project, King William County, Virginia
1996 viii + 144 pp. 57 figs., 19 tables, 2 appdx (artifact inventory on microfiche)

The primary occupation at this multicomponent site dates from the Early Woodland, as represented by an abundance of Croaker Landingceramic sherds—perhaps the largest collection recovered to date. Highlights of the study include detailed description of the ceramics, and petrographic characterization of ceramic paste to initiate assessment of Early Woodland ceramic technology and settlement. The report also includes a reconstruction of depositional history on the elevated terrace over the Mattaponi River. A colonial occupation associated with the Enfield property, owned by the Waller family from 1696 to 1814, is also described.

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