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15. Archaeological Data Recovery - Site 44HN203

by S. C. Pullins and J. Schuldenrein III

Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery for Mitigation of Adverse Effects to Site 44HN203
Associated with the VNG Mechanicsville to Kingsmill Lateral Pipeline, Hanover County, Virginia
1993 viii + 76 pp. 53 figs., 6 tables, 4 appdx (artifact inventory on microfiche)

Evidence for four prehistoric components was detected at Site 44HN203: Early/Middle Archaic, two Late Archaic occupations, Early Woodland, and Middle Woodland. The site functioned as a short-term encampment during all periods of occupation, likely as a specialized foray/procurement camp. However, the internal structure of the site changed over time, reflecting changes in the subsistence and settlement systems.

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