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Recommend Events

Until you recommend your event to one or more calendars in W&M Events, your event will not be included anywhere. By default, "Recommend to W&M Featured Events" (the main calendar) is selected. 

If you do not want your event elevated to the W&M Featured Events calendar, you can select "Do Not Include." You may still recommend your event to any calendars you manage and the calendars included in the Additional Calendars list.

We encourage you to recommend to the W&M Featured Events calendar to help promote appropriate events.

Additional Calendars

These choices include schools, departments, offices, programs and groups that currently accept recommended events. Browse the list by clicking in the Additional Calendars field, or quickly filter the choices by typing a few letters in the field. Select each of the calendars to which you would like to recommend your event. Note: recommending to a calendar allows the admins of that calendar to recommend your event to additional calendars, including the W&M Featured Events calendar.

Keep as Draft

If you are not ready to recommend your event to a calendar, you can click the Keep as Draft button and your event information will be saved as a draft under My Events that you can return to later.

After your event is recommended, it must be approved by the calendar administrator.