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Course Catalogs

W&M catalogs are online (current and recent), PDF (current and recent), and digitally archived (1829-present).


In the online catalog, use the drop-down menu in the top center to select the current Undergraduate or Graduate catalog, or to select archived earlier editions.

Tips for navigating the online catalogs:

  • See the Index menu item on the left-hand navigation bar.
  • The left-hand navigation bar provides links to the sections of the catalog. Familiarize yourself with each landing page.
  • Use the anchor links at the top of most pages to "jump" to the content you seek.
  • Use the "return to top" arrow at the bottom right to return to the top of each page.
  • Class search is a great tool! Enter criteria such as "GER4B" or "C100" in the "Keyword or Phrase" box to see all classes that list that term in their descriptions.
  • The Catalog Search tool is also robust, but your results will be easier to manage if you click "Modify Search Options" and include or exclude appropriate result types. Experiment with sorting by Alphabetical or Ranking order, too.
  • The Graduate Catalog includes all five graduate / professional schools and faculties. University-wide information and policies, which apply to all William & Mary graduate and professional students, can be found at "The University."
  • Need a hard copy of a page or section? Click the printer icon to open a plain version of the text, then print to a printer or to PDF.

NOTE: A grant from the W&M Committee on Sustainability made our online catalog project possible. Thanks to this initiative, we no longer print catalogs, and we are thereby saving 750,000 sheets of paper, plus the energy to produce and transport catalogs each year.

PDF versions of recent and Archived Catalogs are also available.