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Christopher J. Abelt

Chancellor Professor

Research Areas: Organic, Spectroscopy
Email: [[cjabel]]
Office / Research Lab: ISC 2049 / ISC 2030
Webpage: {{}}
Office Phone: (757) 221-2677

Areas of Specialization

Physical organic chemistry, organic photochemistry, fluorescence, sensors.


My research focuses on structure as it affects the fluorescence behavior of organic molecules. In particular, we are looking at a class of compounds that undergo charge transfer in the excited state and are sensitive to local polarity.  Some also respond strongly to the presence of local H-bonding.  By systematically varying the molecular architecture of these molecules we hope to  understand their photophysical behavior with the goal of engineering reliable microsensors.

Research Opportunities for Students
An overview of our current work can be seen here: Fluorescent Chemosensors of Microacidity and Dipolarity: Structure and Function.